To build more muscle, it is recommended to drink a protein shake right after a workout. After a hard workout involving weights and resistance movements, your muscles are teared up and depleted of nutrients. The muscles are depleted of glycogen and protein stores so you'll need to replenish this state of balance. For full restoration, protein shakes are the best drinks when taken directly after a tough training session. The body is also screaming for the required nutrients. It wants to repair itself for tougher and stronger muscles.
Protein shakes allow you to do just this. They're perfect drinks for re-energizing your body after a training routine. It will also re-supply your muscles with the most essential nutrients. The muscles are made of protein, water, and glycogen. To make a protein shake, add in a couple of servings of whey protein powder. Isolate and concentrate will be best since they are fast-digesting natural powder that gets assimilated and distributed quickly into your system. It gets to work immediately to repair your muscles.
Muscle Powder
Next, throw in any additional liquids and fruits you may like. Options include berries, strawberries, banannas, yogurt, and milk. These foods also add additional calories to your shake. If you throw in 3-4 servings of fruits, that's an easy 300-350 calories. Protein shakes can double as a muscle-building liquid meal. This is especially great for those with very fast metabolisms. They're exceptionally also useful to hardgainers who have trouble gaining weight and muscle. Supplement your diet and nutrition plan with protein shakes and watch for better results in strength and muscle.